Teaching your Child the Christmas Story

“Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” 

- Luke 2:11

I have been involved in Bible Study Fellowship for many years and they have a weekly handout for the parents who have children enrolled in the children’s program. Recently, they had a wonderful lesson about teaching your child the Christmas Story. A couple of suggestions they had were: 

  1. Start telling your child the Christmas story at a young age. If you start when your child is very young, you can break the story down into smaller segments and tell it often.

  2. Choose a time to teach your child the story and be consistent with the time each day.

  3. Discuss the Story and give your child the time to tell you the story.

  4. Repeat the Story often

  5. Read scriptures to your child. They even suggest that you can read Luke 2:1-20 daily throughout the advent season.

  6. Memorize scripture as well with your child. BSF recommends Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 2:11.

    These are a few ways you can emphasize the biblical truths of Christmas to those children in your lives!