Quiet Time

Let’s discuss quiet time. Is it easy for you to establish or is it something you struggle with making happen each day?


Do you use any devotionals to help you with your quiet time? Since I am easily distracted, I need structure and I need to write my prayers down.


However, sometimes I use the help of a book like Stormie Omartian’s The Power of a Praying Parent. If you hang around here long enough, you will see me reference it quite a bit because it made such an impact on me and my prayer life. I appreciated the prayers and the scriptures she provides and it gave me some other ideas of what to pray for when I was (and still am) praying specifically for my children.


This is just one example of a book I have used through the years. It’s old and tattered and worn and I even have an old picture of me and my children tucked inside the book that I used to look at sometimes when I would pray.  This would help me focus on them as I prayed for them. I have written all over the book, and have several copies of it in different places like by my bed, in the car, and in my home office.


If you have any devotionals you use or any helpful hints for busy moms for getting in some time with God each morning, please feel free to share! Would love to know what helps you establish some time with God each day.

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