Give Thanks in All Fortune
We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility, contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.
- CS Lewis
Do you ever find that you are having a difficult time being thankful? Some days, it feels like things are going all wrong, or there are days it can be a challenge to find some joy in the day. Several years ago, I started a journal just for recording the things I am thankful for and I tried to list at least 5-8 things that I was thankful for during that particular day. It is truly amazing how quickly that can turn the day around for me when I do it.
I have used this with my children as well. I have encouraged one of my children, in particular, to try this when things weren’t going as planned during the day. When this child would call with a list of how things were going horribly wrong, I would encourage this child to give me five good things about the day before we got off of the phone. Even if they were not necessarily earth-shatteringly positive, I tried to get her to look at the little things and be appreciative of the small things in life as well.
When our kids were younger and home for dinner we would do highs and lows for their day. Now, I think if I was able to do that with them again, I would also ask for a few good things that they would be thankful for from that day. The older I get, the more I think having a grateful attitude even in the midst of the difficult situations can be very beneficial to our outlook in the trials that life can throw at us.