Disciple those souls.

The church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, mission, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose.

- C. S. Lewis

Last week, Josh Conner, the spiritual formation pastor at my church, Parkway Hills, gave a fantastic sermon about discipling. As Christians, we know discipling must be a key component in our life and something we must do as Christ followers. This sermon has really stuck with me, especially as the purpose of this blog always remains at the forefront of my heart and mind. It is our duty to shepherd and lead our loved ones to the knowledge of Christ. It is our desire to make disciples of Christ. It is our prayer that our loved ones will be drawn into a relationship with Christ, follow Him, serve Him and tell others about Him. Besides this C.S. Lewis quote that Josh mentioned, he also said something that really hit home. First, he said “Who discipled you?” It made me think of who spent time and attention bringing me to a knowledge and love of Jesus. It also made me think of who I am discipling. Josh also mentioned several reasons why we might not put in the time and effort to make disciples, and one of which was worry for what we might look like if we share the good news of Jesus. Then he said, “Who cares what people think of us when souls of people are on the line.”  Think about those children or grandchildren that you love. Think about those souls. Pray for those souls. Disciple those souls.

This week, I will give a prayer prompt each day so that we can pray for those souls in your life. Let’s do everything in our power to make disciples of those we love. 

FaithMarci PriestComment